What Kind of Gas Does a Generator Use? 5 Fuel Types

By Alex McGill

In a world where power outages can disrupt the rhythm of our daily lives, understanding the fuel that keeps our generators humming is crucial. What kind of gas does a generator use? becomes more than a query; it’s a lifeline to uninterrupted comfort. Picture a scenario where your trusty generator springs to life effortlessly, providing a seamless transition when the lights dim.

Whether you’re a seasoned generator owner or a newcomer to the realm of backup power, this question lingers in the back of your mind. Let’s delve into the fuel choices that power our peace of mind, ensuring that when the lights flicker, we’re armed with knowledge and readiness.

Key Takeaways

  • Gasoline is a widely available and relatively inexpensive fuel option for generators.
  • Propane is a cost-effective and clean-burning fuel option with storage flexibility.
  • Diesel generators produce more power with less fuel consumption, but diesel fuel can produce more emissions.
  • Natural gas is a cleaner-burning and readily available fuel option with consistent and reliable power generation.

What is a Generator and How Does It Work?

Generators play a crucial role in various fields, particularly in power generation. A generator is a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Its fundamental principle relies on electromagnetic induction discovered by Michael Faraday in the 19th century. Essentially, when a conductor, usually a coil of wire, moves through a magnetic field, an electric current is induced in the wire. This phenomenon forms the basis of how generators work.

In operation, a generator typically consists of a coil of wire, known as the armature, which rotates within the magnetic field provided by a set of magnets or an electromagnetic coil called the stator. As the armature spins, it cuts through the lines of magnetic flux, inducing a flow of electric current in the wire. This generated current can then be harnessed and used as electrical power. The key principle here is the conversion of mechanical energy, often from a turbine or an engine, into electrical energy.

Different Types of Generators

Understanding the diverse types of generators is essential for grasping their applications and advantages.

Generator TypeDescriptionExample
1. Mechanical GeneratorsUtilize mechanical energy to generate electricity. Commonly found in power plants and often powered by steam turbines or water wheels.Steam Turbine Generator: Converts steam energy into electrical power.
2. Electromagnetic GeneratorsOperate on the principle of electromagnetic induction, converting kinetic energy into electrical energy.Alternator: Commonly used in vehicles to produce AC power.
3. Photovoltaic Generators (PV)Harness solar energy by converting sunlight into electrical power through semiconductor materials.Solar Panels: Convert sunlight into electricity for residential and commercial use.
4. Wind GeneratorsCapture the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electrical power.Wind Turbines: Spin blades to generate electricity for homes and wind farms.
5. Fuel-Based GeneratorsRun on fuels such as gasoline, diesel, or natural gas to produce electricity. Often used as backup power sources.Portable Gasoline Generator: Provides emergency power during outages.
6. Hydroelectric GeneratorsExploit the gravitational force of falling water to turn turbines and generate electricity.Hydroelectric Power Plant: Uses flowing water to generate sustainable energy.
7. Portable GeneratorsCompact and mobile generators suitable for various applications, including camping, construction sites, and outdoor events.Honda EU2200i Portable Generator: Offers convenient power on the go.
8. Standby GeneratorsInstalled permanently and automatically provide backup power during grid outages. Commonly used in homes, hospitals, and businesses.Generac Guardian Series: Automatically activates during power interruptions.
9. Inverter GeneratorsProduce high-quality and stable AC power through advanced electronics, making them efficient, lightweight, and suitable for sensitive electronics.Champion 3400-Watt Dual Fuel Inverter Generator: Ideal for powering electronics with precision.
Discover the Optimal Generator Fuel Types: What Kind of Gas Does a Generator Use

What Kind of Gas Does a Generator Use?

Generators are essential for providing backup power during outages or in areas without a stable electricity supply. To understand what kind of gas a generator uses, it’s crucial to know that generators generally run on various fuels. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Gasoline:
    • Many portable generators use gasoline as their fuel source.
    • Gasoline is readily available at most gas stations, making it convenient for emergency use.
    • However, gasoline generators may not be as fuel-efficient as some other types.
  2. Diesel:
    • Larger generators and those designed for continuous use often run on diesel.
    • Diesel generators are more fuel-efficient and provide a longer runtime compared to gasoline.
    • Diesel fuel is less flammable than gasoline, enhancing safety.
  3. Natural Gas:
    • Some generators are designed to operate on natural gas, which is supplied through pipelines.
    • Natural gas generators are a cleaner option, producing fewer emissions compared to gasoline or diesel.
    • They are suitable for long-term backup power solutions.
  4. Propane:
    • Propane generators are another option, using liquefied petroleum gas.
    • Propane is stored in tanks, providing a stable fuel source.
    • Propane generators are environmentally friendly and have a longer shelf life than gasoline.
  5. Dual-Fuel:
    • Some generators are designed to run on multiple fuels, offering versatility.
    • Dual-fuel generators can switch between gasoline and propane or other combinations.
    • This flexibility ensures a backup power source even if one type of fuel is unavailable.
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Understanding the fuel options for generators enables users to choose the most suitable type based on availability, convenience, and specific needs.

Discover the Optimal Generator Fuel Types

Let’s discuss these fuel types in more detail now.

Gasoline Generators

Gasoline generators are a popular choice for portable power solutions, commonly used in scenarios where mobility and quick setup are crucial. These generators rely on gasoline as their primary fuel source, making them easily accessible for most consumers.

How Do They Work?

Gasoline generators operate on the principle of converting fuel into electrical energy. The process involves an internal combustion engine that ignites gasoline vapors, generating mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is then transformed into electrical energy through an alternator or generator.

Pros and Cons


  • Gasoline generators are typically compact and lightweight, allowing for easy transportation.
  • These generators start quickly, providing immediate power in emergency situations.
  • Gasoline is widely available at gas stations, ensuring a constant fuel supply.


  • Gasoline generators may have a shorter runtime compared to diesel or natural gas options.
  • Gasoline has a shorter shelf life, and its storage can pose challenges in long-term use.
  • Gasoline generators may be less fuel-efficient than some other types, leading to higher operating costs.


Gasoline generators are well-suited for various applications, including:

  1. Emergency Power: Ideal for providing short-term backup power during outages.
  2. Outdoor Activities: Portable gasoline generators are convenient for camping, tailgating, or outdoor events.
  3. Construction Sites: Their portability makes them suitable for powering tools and equipment on job sites.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of gasoline generators helps users make informed decisions based on their specific needs and intended applications.

Diesel Generators

Diesel generators serve as reliable and robust power sources, particularly in situations requiring extended or continuous power supply. These generators utilize diesel fuel to generate electrical energy, offering distinct advantages.

How Do They Work?

Diesel generators function through a compression-ignition process. Diesel fuel is injected into the compressed, hot air within the engine’s cylinders, leading to spontaneous ignition. This combustion produces the mechanical energy needed to turn the generator’s alternator and generate electricity.

Pros and Cons


  • Diesel generators are more fuel-efficient, providing a longer runtime per unit of fuel.
  • Diesel engines are known for their durability and can withstand heavy loads and prolonged operation.
  • Diesel fuel is less flammable than gasoline, enhancing safety during storage and use.


  • Diesel generators often have a higher upfront cost compared to gasoline counterparts.
  • Diesel generators can be noisier than some other types, requiring proper placement to minimize noise disturbance.
  • While diesel fuel is generally available, it might not be as widespread as gasoline.


Diesel generators find applications in:

  1. Critical Infrastructure: Used for standby power in hospitals, data centers, and other critical facilities.
  2. Remote Locations: Common in areas without access to a stable power grid or during off-grid operations.
  3. Construction and Mining: Diesel generators provide reliable power for heavy machinery and construction sites.

Understanding the efficiency, durability, and specific use cases of diesel generators helps users select the appropriate power solution for their requirements.

Natural Gas Generators

Natural gas generators are a cleaner and environmentally friendly option for power generation, utilizing natural gas delivered through pipelines. These generators offer distinct advantages in terms of emissions and long-term use.

How Do They Work?

Natural gas generators operate by burning natural gas to produce high-pressure gas. This gas then drives a turbine or internal combustion engine, ultimately turning an alternator to generate electricity. The combustion of natural gas is cleaner, emitting fewer pollutants compared to some other fuel types.

Pros and Cons


  • Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fuel, resulting in lower emissions and environmental impact.
  • Connected to a natural gas pipeline, these generators have a constant and uninterrupted fuel supply.
  • Natural gas generators often exhibit high efficiency in converting fuel to electricity.


  • Natural gas generators may have a higher upfront cost, including installation expenses.
  • Reliance on a natural gas pipeline infrastructure may limit their use in certain locations.
  • Natural gas generators are typically stationary due to their connection requirements.


Natural gas generators are suitable for various applications, including:

  1. Residential Use: Providing backup power to homes connected to natural gas pipelines.
  2. Commercial and Industrial Settings: Offering continuous and reliable power for businesses and manufacturing facilities.
  3. Emergency Services: Used in critical services where a clean and constant power supply is essential.

Understanding the environmental benefits and specific applications of natural gas generators assists users in making informed decisions aligned with their energy needs.

Propane Generators

Propane generators offer a versatile and environmentally friendly alternative for power generation, utilizing liquefied petroleum gas stored in tanks. These generators provide a reliable source of energy with unique advantages.

How Do They Work?

Propane generators operate by vaporizing liquid propane, which is then mixed with air and ignited in the engine. This combustion process produces the mechanical energy needed to turn the generator’s alternator and generate electricity. Propane is stored in tanks, offering a stable and easily accessible fuel source.

Pros and Cons


  • While propane is generally available, it may not be as widespread as gasoline or diesel.
  • Propane generators may have a higher upfront cost, including the expense of propane storage tanks.
  • Propane requires careful storage and handling due to its compressed nature.


Propane generators are well-suited for various applications, including:

  1. Residential Backup Power: Providing a clean and reliable backup power source for homes.
  2. Outdoor Events: Portable propane generators are convenient for camping, outdoor parties, or tailgating.
  3. Off-Grid Living: Suitable for off-grid residences relying on stored propane for power generation.

Understanding the clean-burning characteristics and specific use cases of propane generators helps users determine the most suitable power solution for their needs.

Dual-Fuel Generators

Dual-fuel generators offer a flexible and adaptable solution by allowing users to switch between two different fuel sources, typically gasoline and propane. This versatility makes them well-suited for various scenarios where fuel availability may vary.

How Do They Work?

Dual-fuel generators are equipped with a fuel selector switch, enabling users to choose between gasoline and propane as the primary fuel source. This switch adjusts the fuel system to accommodate the chosen option, providing users with the convenience of using the most readily available or preferred fuel.

Pros and Cons


  • Dual-fuel generators provide the flexibility to switch between gasoline and propane based on availability or preference.
  • Users can switch fuels to extend the generator’s runtime during extended power outages.
  • Dual-fuel generators offer the convenience of using either fuel type without requiring significant modifications.


  • The dual-fuel system adds complexity to the generator, potentially leading to more maintenance requirements.
  • Dual-fuel generators may have a higher upfront cost compared to single-fuel counterparts.
  • Users need to consider storage requirements for both gasoline and propane.


Dual-fuel generators find applications in various settings, including:

  1. Emergency Preparedness: Ideal for situations where the availability of one fuel type may be uncertain.
  2. Remote Locations: Providing flexibility in using the most accessible fuel source in off-grid or remote areas.
  3. Residential Backup: Offering homeowners the option to use either gasoline or propane based on their preferences.

Understanding the adaptability and potential trade-offs of dual-fuel generators helps users choose a power solution that aligns with their specific needs and circumstances.

Alternate Fuel Types for Generators

Exploring alternative fuel types for generators is essential for sustainability and resilience. Here’s a breakdown of some noteworthy options:

Fuel TypeDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages
BiodieselRenewable and produced from biological sources, reducing dependence on fossil fuels.Biodegradable, lower emissionsAvailability, potential impact on food production
HydrogenClean and abundant, with water as the only byproduct when used in generators.Zero emissions, high energy contentInfrastructure challenges, production energy-intensive
Solar PowerHarnesses sunlight to generate electricity, reducing environmental impact.Renewable, low operating costsWeather-dependent, requires storage for nighttime use
Wind PowerUtilizes wind to generate electricity, a sustainable and clean option.Renewable, reduces greenhouse gas emissionsWeather-dependent, visual impact, noise concerns

How to Choose the Right Type of Fuel for Your Generator?

Choosing the right type of fuel for your generator is crucial to ensure its optimal performance and longevity. Different generators require specific fuels to operate efficiently, and understanding these requirements is essential for making an informed decision.

1. Generator Type

The type of generator you own plays a significant role in fuel selection. Gasoline, diesel, propane, and natural gas are common fuel options. Gasoline generators are more portable, while diesel generators are known for their durability and fuel efficiency.

2. Fuel Availability

Consider the availability of the chosen fuel in your area. Ensure that the fuel source is easily accessible, especially during emergencies. For example, if gasoline is scarce, a propane generator might be a more reliable choice.

3. Storage and Shelf Life

Evaluate the shelf life and storage requirements of the fuel. Gasoline tends to degrade over time, so if your generator is for occasional use, propane or diesel, which have longer shelf lives, might be more suitable.

4. Cost

Assess the cost of fuel in your region. While gasoline may be more affordable, diesel engines often provide better fuel efficiency, potentially offsetting the initial higher cost.

5. Run Time Requirements

Consider your generator’s run time requirements. Diesel generators are known for their longer run times and are often preferred for continuous use, while gasoline generators are suitable for shorter durations.

Thus, choosing the right fuel for your generator involves a thoughtful consideration of factors such as the generator type, fuel availability, storage, cost, and run time requirements. By understanding these aspects, you can ensure that your generator operates efficiently and reliably when needed.

How to Use a Generator?

Gas generators are valuable tools that provide a convenient and reliable source of power. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a gas generator:

  1. Safety First:
    • Before anything else, ensure the generator is placed in a well-ventilated area to prevent carbon monoxide buildup.
    • Read the manufacturer’s manual thoroughly to understand safety precautions.
  2. Check Fuel Levels:
    • Confirm that there is sufficient fuel in the generator. Most models use gasoline, but some may run on propane or natural gas.
  3. Oil Check:
    • Verify the oil level in the generator. Running it with insufficient oil can damage the engine. Follow the manual for the specific oil type and quantity.
  4. Startup Procedure:
    • Turn the fuel valve to the “On” position.
    • Set the choke to the “Closed” position for a cold start, or to “Open” for a warm start.
    • Turn the generator’s switch to “On.”
  5. Pull Start or Electric Start:
    • If it’s a manual start generator, pull the starter cord firmly and steadily until the engine starts.
    • For electric start models, turn the key or push the button to start the generator.
  6. Monitor the Generator:
    • Keep an eye on the generator’s gauges to ensure it’s operating within the recommended parameters.
    • Listen for any unusual sounds that might indicate a problem.
  7. Load Connection:
    • Gradually connect your devices or appliances to the generator one by one to avoid overloading it.
    • Start with the most critical appliances, then add others based on the generator’s capacity.
  8. Shutdown Procedure:
    • Disconnect all loads before turning off the generator.
    • Allow the generator to run for a few minutes without a load to cool down, then turn the switch to “Off.”
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Generator Maintenance Tips

Generators are crucial for providing backup power during outages, ensuring the smooth running of essential appliances and systems. Regular maintenance is key to their reliability. Here are some tips to keep your generator in top condition:

  • Scheduled Inspections: Conduct routine checks on the generator’s components, such as the fuel system, oil levels, and air filters, to identify and address any issues early.
  • Oil Changes: Change the generator’s oil at regular intervals, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Fresh oil ensures proper lubrication, enhancing the generator’s lifespan.
  • Fuel Quality: Use high-quality fuel to prevent clogs and ensure efficient combustion. Stale fuel can lead to starting issues and damage the generator’s engine.
  • Battery Checks: Regularly inspect and maintain the generator’s battery. Clean terminals and ensure it’s properly charged, as a weak or dead battery can hinder the starting process.
  • Cooling System Maintenance: Keep the generator’s cooling system clean and free from debris. Proper cooling is vital for preventing overheating and maintaining optimal performance.
  • Exercise the Generator: Run the generator for a short period regularly, even if there’s no power outage. This helps keep the engine and alternator in good working condition.
  • Store Properly: If the generator is not in use for an extended period, follow proper storage guidelines. Store it in a dry place with the fuel tank empty or filled with a fuel stabilizer.
  • Replace Air Filters: Regularly replace or clean the air filters to ensure a consistent air supply. Clogged filters can reduce efficiency and strain the generator.
  • Inspect Spark Plugs: Check the spark plugs for signs of wear or damage. Replace them if necessary to maintain proper combustion and reliable starts.
  • Keep a Maintenance Log: Maintain a log of all inspections, repairs, and maintenance activities. This provides a clear record of the generator’s history and aids in identifying patterns or recurring issues.

By following these maintenance tips, you can significantly enhance the reliability and longevity of your generator, ensuring it’s ready to provide power when needed.

Generator Safety Tips

Generators can be a helpful power source during outages, but it’s crucial to use them safely to avoid accidents. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Ventilation: Always operate the generator in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas produced by the generator. This gas can be fatal if inhaled in high concentrations.
  • Outdoor Use: Never operate a generator indoors, including in garages or basements. Use it in a dry, outdoor location to prevent the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Distance Matters: Keep the generator at least 20 feet away from your home to minimize exposure to harmful fumes. This distance also reduces the risk of fire hazards.
  • Proper Fuel Storage: Store generator fuel in approved containers away from living spaces. Never store fuel indoors, as it poses a serious fire risk.
  • Grounding: Ensure the generator is properly grounded to prevent electric shock. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for grounding procedures to maintain safety.
  • Extension Cords: Use heavy-duty extension cords designed for outdoor use to connect appliances to the generator. Check that the cords are in good condition to prevent electrical hazards.
  • Overloading Prevention: Avoid overloading the generator by not connecting too many appliances at once. Check the generator’s wattage capacity and prioritize essential appliances to prevent damage.
  • Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance checks on the generator, including oil and filter changes. A well-maintained generator is more reliable and less prone to malfunctions.
  • Dry Conditions: Operate the generator on a dry surface and protect it from rain or snow. Wet conditions increase the risk of electrical shock and other hazards.
  • Read the Manual: Familiarize yourself with the generator’s user manual and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.


In conclusion, determining the appropriate fuel for your generator is a critical decision that directly impacts its functionality and longevity. What kind of gas does a generator use is a question that demands careful consideration. Whether it’s gasoline for portability, diesel for robustness, or propane for long-term storage, each fuel type serves a distinct purpose.

By aligning your choice with your specific requirements, you not only optimize performance but also extend the lifespan of your generator. Remember, the right fuel ensures your generator stands ready, providing reliable power when you need it most.


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  2. Studies on control of noise from portable power generator
  3. Development of 500 W PEM fuel cell stack for portable power generators
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Regular Gasoline in My Generator or Does It Require a Specific Type?

Using the correct fuel is crucial for optimal generator performance. While regular gasoline is commonly used, some generators may require specific fuels like propane or ethanol. Considering benefits such as lower emissions, ethanol can be a viable alternative to gasoline.

How Long Can a Generator Run on Propane Before Needing to Be Refueled?

The runtime of a generator on propane depends on factors such as the tank size, generator load, and efficiency. Generally, propane generators can run for several hours before needing to be refueled, providing a reliable and convenient power source.

Does Using Diesel Fuel in a Generator Require Any Special Maintenance or Precautions?

Using diesel fuel in a generator requires special maintenance and precautions. Regularly check the fuel filters and change them as needed. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for fuel additives and ensure proper ventilation to prevent build-up of harmful fumes.

Are There Any Specific Safety Considerations When Using Natural Gas as a Fuel for a Generator?

When using natural gas as a fuel for a generator, there are several safety considerations to keep in mind. These include proper ventilation to prevent carbon monoxide buildup and regular maintenance to ensure safe and efficient operation. Additionally, natural gas generators offer advantages such as lower emissions and cost savings.

Can Biogas Be Used in Any Type of Generator or Are There Specific Requirements for Its Use?

Biogas can be used in various types of generators, but there are specific requirements for its use to ensure optimal efficiency. Utilizing biogas as a fuel source offers numerous benefits, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable energy practices.

Can you use regular gas in a generator?

To power the generator, one should use clean, fresh, unleaded gasoline with a minimum octane rating of 87. While up to 10% ethanol is acceptable, it is advisable to opt for non-ethanol premium fuel. It is crucial not to use E85, gas/oil mix, or modify the engine for alternate fuels.

What type of gas do most generators use?

Gasoline stands out as the preferred fuel for generators producing less than 150 kW of power. This is especially true for residential backup generators, given the widespread availability of gasoline. It is commonly chosen by individuals seeking an accessible and reliable fuel source.

Which fuel is used in generators?

Gasoline is the predominant fuel for portable residential generators available in major hardware stores. The choice is influenced by the ease of availability. It’s important to note that gasoline has a shorter shelf life and lower flash-point temperature compared to some alternatives, making it suitable for specific generator types.

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